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For Immediate Release:
January 26, 2024

Statement from Former Congressman Tom Suozzi on Pilip’s Recent Baseless Attack: “I Condemn All Anti-Semitism.”

Glen Cove, NY – Today Former Congressman Tom Suozzi issued the following statement in respond to Mazi Pilip’s recent baseless attack:

“I condemn all anti-Semitism. I am unequivocally pro-Israel. My voting record reflects both.

The Jewish World endorsed my candidacy, saying, ‘Suozzi’s support for Israel has been admirably strong and consistent, evidence of a deep personal commitment to the Jewish State… it is extremely important to bolster the pro-Israel, centrist majority among House Democrats. Having Tom Suozzi on Israel’s side in the halls of Congress will help offset the increasing influence of extreme left-wing progressives who are hostile to Israel and its interests. At the same time, we know that he will support all efforts to fight the growing antisemitism in this country.’ 

I am not aware of the comments referenced by my opponent, but if I find them to be anti-Semitic, I will condemn them as I have throughout my public life.

My opponent’s attempts to distract from her basement campaign in which she has refused to present herself to the press or the public is cheap and denigrates our common cause to combat anti-Semitism and support Israel.”


Tom Suozzi, trained as an attorney and CPA, is the former Congressman for New York’s 3rd Congressional District, Nassau County Executive, and Mayor of Glen Cove. Tom has committed his 30-year public service career to delivering for his constituents. His philosophy of working with anyone who shares his goal of solving problems and delivering for his constituents has guided his career and led to notable accomplishments on issues including protecting the environment, common-sense gun safety, full access to reproductive health care, immigration, caring for our veterans, affordable healthcare, and fiscal responsibility.