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For Immediate Release:
January 25, 2024

Suozzi Provides Actual Solutions for Border Crisis, While Pilip Delivers Canned TP’s From GOP Bosses and Dodges Q’s

Pilip Joins National GOP in Opposing Border Deal, Using Crisis for Political Gain

Glen Cove, NY  – Today, former Congressman Tom Suozzi held an actual press conference in Queens immediately following his opponent Conservative and Republican Mazi Pilip’s “press conference.” Pilip, who was accompanied by her handler, Long Island Republican Congressman Anthony D’Esposito, read prepared talking points regarding immigration and spoke for less time than D’Esposito, who largely answered questions on her behalf. Making matters worse, Pilip’s campaign had given the media extremely short notice for the event, and didn’t inform media outlets like WNYC,  New York Times and CNN.

While Pilip offered no solutions to the migrant crisis and struggled to answer even the most basic questions, D’Esposito jumped in to answer, while Pilip’s campaign staff tried to cut off reporters. In contrast, Suozzi laid out in detail how he would address the migrant crisis and took as many questions that the assembled press had for him. It should also be noted that Suozzi stood alone facing the press, without anyone else serving as a buffer.

“My opponent is very good at telling all of us what the problem is,” said Suozzi. “We all know what the problem is! What are you going to do about it?”

Questions largely centered around the compromise immigration bill in the US Senate. While it was clear that Pilip had no idea what is in the bill, Suozzi was able to speak in detail about it, as well as criticizing Republican leadership in the Senate and the House for slow walking the compromise bill at the behest of Donald Trump.

“This is the best time in 30 years to reach a compromise to finally get something real done on immigration and the Republican leadership would rather weaponize it,” said Suozzi. “But instead of encouraging her party bosses to keep politics out of a big problem facing the country, Mazi Pilip can only cite talking points that are given to her by the Republican bosses, both here locally and at the national level.

“I’ve proposed concrete ideas about what needs to be done to solve the problems that we face. She has not,” said Suozzi.



With just nine days before early voting begins on Saturday, February 3, Mazi Pilip’s endless snub of voters begs the question: Why is Mazi hiding?


Pilip "press conference"