Tom Suozzi’s 10-Point Plan to Help Restore Sanity in Washington and Get Things Done

The growing influence of the far right and far left have led to gridlock in Congress. I have always worked to rise above partisanship and build relationships with both Republicans and Democrats. My philosophy is simple: I’ll never abandon my values, but I’m willing to work with anyone who wants to solve problems and make things better for people.

The following is my 10-Point Plan to Help Restore Sanity in Washington and Get Things Done:

  1. Lower the Cost of Living, Repeal the SALT Cap, and Further Reduce Prescription Drug Prices
  2. Address the Immigration Crisis by Passing the Tom Suozzi-Peter King Compromise
  3. Protect the Long Island Sound, Provide Clean Drinking Water, and Address Climate Change
  4. Improve Public Safety and Get Guns off the Streets
  5. Stand Up to Extreme Attacks on Reproductive Freedom
  6. Support Israel and Ukraine
  7. Never Forget the Vet
  8. Expand Affordable Health Care and Long-Term Care, and Protect Social Security and Medicare
  9. Defend Democracy
  10. “No Wrong Door”: Comprehensive, Wraparound Social Services for K-12 Students

1. Lower the Cost of Living, Repeal the SALT Cap, and Further Reduce Prescription Drug Prices

Repeal the SALT Cap:

When Republicans passed the cap on the state and local tax (SALT) deduction in 2017, it was a body blow to New York and to hard working families across Long Island and Queens. Tom will not rest until this unfair burden on New Yorkers is removed and the full SALT deduction is restored.

In Congress, Tom led the fight on SALT. He joined with Republicans and Democrats to create the bipartisan SALT Caucus, which advocated for the restoration of the SALT deduction and highlighted the middle-class families who have been unfairly hurt by the cap. He also built a coalition of supporters that included teachers and other public employees, organized labor, and state and local government officials from across the country.

Because of Tom’s persistence, the House passed, with bipartisan support, bills to restore the SALT deduction on three separate occasions. Unfortunately, they were blocked by Republicans in the Senate. With the Republicans’ 2017 tax cuts set to expire in 2025, there will be a new opportunity to negotiate for the reinstatement of the SALT deduction. That is why we need Tom back in Congress to keep fighting to fix this injustice.

Further Reduce Prescription Drug Prices:

Americans pay more for prescription drugs than anyone else in the world. In fact, Americans often pay several times more than people in other countries for the exact same drugs. When Donald Trump ran for President in 2016, he said that he would pass legislation to finally let the federal government negotiate lower drug prices with Big Pharma, who he said was “getting away with murder.” Unfortunately, President Trump broke his promise, and once he took office, he opposed drug price reform.

Fortunately, in 2022, Tom helped pass landmark prescription drug legislation that:

  • Created a cap on out-of-pocket drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries.
  • Capped the price of Insulin at $35 per month.
  • Allowed Medicare to finally negotiate lower prescription drug prices with Big Pharma.

Tom knows that we need to build on these successes by increasing the number of drugs Medicare can negotiate and passing on the cost savings to people with private insurance as well.

That is why we need Tom back in Congress to build on this progress, rather than someone who threatens to repeal it.

2. Address the Immigration Crisis by bringing “Order to the Border”

Tom knows that America’s immigration system isn’t working.

It’s time to fix it. It’s time to bring “order to the border.” Tom believes that we can secure the border and treat people like human beings. We can close illegal immigration routes, but open paths for those who follow the rules.

Tom believes that we must immediately:

1) Strengthen security at the border.

2) Fix the outdated 1980’s asylum law that is currently being manipulated and exploited by cartels and criminal organizations.

3) Modernize the legal immigration system, which is hopelessly outdated.

Tom supports the bipartisan Senate legislation that would both strengthen our security at the border and fix the outdated asylum system. That bipartisan bill, the Border Act of 2024, provides for the hiring of border agents and officers, immigration judges, and more asylum officers, funds the border wall, and would strengthen the criteria required for immigrants to claim asylum. It would also speed up the immigration process, discourage criminal coyotes from running immigrants into the country, and clear our backlog of millions of cases working their way through the immigration system.

Upon returning to Congress earlier this year, Tom got to work. He was appointed to the Committee on Homeland Security and as the chair of the Democrats for Border Security Caucus. Tom has also successfully called on President Biden to take executive action to extend legal work permits to the 1.1 million immigrant spouses married to U.S. citizens and to bar migrants who cross our Southern border unlawfully from receiving asylum. He has also forged a bipartisan coalition of ‘business, badges, and the Bible’ to push Congress for real solutions on this critical issue.

Fixing this broken system and bringing ‘order to the boarder’ are priorities for Tom.

3. Protect the Long Island Sound, Provide Clean Drinking Water, and Address Climate Change

Tom’s record as an environmentalist goes all the way back to 1993, when he was elected Mayor of Glen Cove. He orchestrated the $100 million cleanup of two Federal Superfund sites, a hazardous waste site, and numerous brownfields on Glen Cove’s waterfront. Tom’s efforts were recognized by then-Vice President Al Gore, who named Glen Cove a national Brownfields Showcase Community. Under Tom’s leadership, Glen Cove was the first community on the Long Island Sound to reduce nitrogen emissions into the Sound, cutting nitrogen output from its sewage treatment plant by half.

As Nassau County Executive, Tom implemented a $150 million environmental program to preserve open space, improve parks, protect water quality, and clean up brownfields. In recognition of his efforts, he received awards from the Sierra Club, EPA, and Citizens Campaign for the Environment, and was named the 2008 New York State Environmentalist of the Year by the League of Conservation Voters.

In Congress, Tom was Co-Chair of the bipartisan Long Island Sound Caucus. During his tenure, he helped increase funding for the Long Island Sound Geographic Program by 1000% (from $4 million in 2016 to $40 million in 2023) and secured federal dollars for projects that reduced stormwater runoff, promoted wind energy, and improved water infrastructure. Tom also secured tens of millions of dollars in additional funding to clean up the Navy-Grumman Bethpage Plume. Since returning to Congress earlier this year, Tom has secured commitments from House Appropriators that more than $16 million of federal funding will be set aside for local and environmental projects in New York’s third district.

Tom also knows that climate change is real and requires bold solutions to mitigate its impacts on Long Island. He was a leading member of the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus, a group of Republicans and Democrats who work together to combat climate change while also protecting our nation’s economic prosperity. Since his return to Congress, Tom has continued to lead on protecting the Long Island Sound, ensuring we have clean drinking water, and working to address climate change.

4. Improve Public Safety and Get Guns off the Streets

Tom knows that there is no more important job a public official has than to keep people safe.

Gun violence is an epidemic that kills over 100 Americans every day. That is why Tom has supported commonsense solutions to prevent crime and gun violence for his entire career in public service.

When Tom served as Nassau County Executive, he oversaw the 12th largest police department in the country. During his tenure, Nassau County had its lowest crime rate in decades and was ranked as the safest community in the entire nation with a population over 500,000. Tom reduced crime while stabilizing costs by reforming procedures, deploying resources more wisely, and increasing the use of technology to keep people safe.

Today, Tom wants to implement reforms centered on Intervention, like using precision policing models to find street criminals with illegal handguns, and Prevention, like community policing and deploying social services to at-risk young people.

Gun violence is an epidemic that kills over 100 Americans every day. That is why Tom has supported commonsense solutions to prevent crime and gun violence for his entire career in public service.

Tom is proud to have maintained his “F” rating from the NRA for his entire time in Congress. He is a staunch supporter of commonsense solutions to prevent gun violence – which include universal background checks, a ban on assault weapons, and closing loopholes to existing laws, which the vast majority of Americans support. Tom has co-sponsored every major gun violence prevention bill during his time in Congress, and will continue to do so.

5. Stand Up to Extreme Attacks on Reproductive Freedom

Tom is committed to ensuring that abortion is safe, legal, and accessible. He has a 100% lifetime rating from Planned Parenthood and a 100% lifetime rating from Reproductive Freedom for All (formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America).

Since 2022, when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and took away the right to choose from women across the country, we’ve seen states impose extreme abortion bans that have put lives at risk. In Ohio, a ten-year-old girl who became pregnant after being raped was forced to travel out-of-state because her state didn’t have an exception for rape. Recently in Texas, extreme judges have forced a woman to travel out-of-state even though her fetus has been diagnosed with a condition that leaves it with near-zero chance of survival and that could threaten her own health.

Fortunately, since the Dobbs decision, we’ve seen voters across the country reject extreme, anti- choice candidates. We need to send Tom back to Washington so that he can work together with his colleagues to codify Roe v. Wade into law.

6. Support Israel and Ukraine

Jewish Insider has said that “Suozzi was outspoken, in his time in office, about calling out colleagues over anti-Israel comments — at times he was the most outspoken non-Jewish member on the issue. And he otherwise bucked his party when he believed it wasn’t sufficiently pro-Israel. He was also a leader on pushing the administration to take a harder line on Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah.” – Jewish Insider, 12/4/23

Throughout his career, Tom has been dedicated to strengthening the US-Israel relationship, bolstering Israel’s security, and combating anti-Israel bias and anti-semitism.

Tom has traveled to Israel three times. Most recently, he visited in Israel in December of 2023 to stand in solitary with the people of Israel and Jewish people around the world after Hamas’ barbaric terrorist attacks on October 7. In no uncertain terms, he made clear that the US must redouble its commitment to Israel as it employs every means necessary to end Hamas’ reign of terror in Gaza, Hezbollah’s constant threat on Israel’s northern border, and the Iranian Regime’s sponsorship of terrorism and antisemitism throughout the region. That includes boosting funding for the Iron Dome, David’s Sling, and Arrow missile defense systems. The US must do all it can to stop Hamas, ensure the long-term safety and security of Israel, and secure the release of the hostages, including his constituent from Plainview, Omer Neutra.

In Congress, Tom used his first ever floor speech in 2017 to condemn an anti-Israel UN Resolution. He was a vocal support of the Abraham Accords and of moving the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. This April, Tom did everything he could to pass the urgently needed bipartisan $26.4 billion security package to replenish Israeli defense systems. Perhaps most importantly, Tom has not been afraid to call people out by name, including members of his own party, when they have used anti-Semitic tropes.

The State of Israel and the Jewish people will always be able to count Tom as a true friend.

Support for Ukraine

Tom has been inspired by the bravery of the Ukrainian people in the face of such trying circumstances. He traveled to Ukraine in April, and was able to meet to Ukrainian civilians, military professionals, and President Zelenskyy himself about how important it is to maintain strong American support for our democratic ally as they defend against Putin. Such a betrayal would embolden Putin to invade even more sovereign territory, and would likely give China more confidence to launch an attack on Taiwan. In Congress, Tom supports Ukraine’s military and its accession to NATO.

7. Never Forget the Vet

Throughout his public service career, Tom has promised to “never forget the vet.” He knows how much veterans and their families have sacrificed to protect our country, and has worked to ensure they can access the finest health care and post-service economic opportunities.

Tom worked closely with the Northport VA Medical Center and the Department of Veterans Affairs to improve services at the facility. He invited Republican Congressman Phil Roe, then- Chair of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, to tour the campus and see its issues firsthand.

After that meeting, he successfully worked with President Trump’s Secretary of Veterans Affairs to obtain funding for major infrastructure improvements, including the demolition of decrepit buildings, enhancements to operating rooms, facilities for the homeless, mental health facilities, and heating and ventilation systems.

Tom has worked to combat the mental health crisis afflicting our nation’s veterans, which takes over 20 lives each day, introducing the bipartisan Mental Health Services for All Veterans Act.

He also voted to pass the landmark Honoring our PACT Act, which improved health care for veterans who were exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances.

In 2021, Tom’s Harlem Hellfighters Congressional Gold Medal Act unanimously passed Congress and was signed into law. His bill awarded the 369th Infantry Regiment, a heroic African American regiment known as the “Harlem Hellfighters,” the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest honor Congress bestows.

Veterans’ issues are personal for Tom, whose father was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his service as a B-24 navigator during World War II. Tom established a district “Veterans Advisory Committee” and sponsored or co-sponsored every bill they recommended.

In Congress, Tom is working to re-establish this committee and work every day to ensure we never forget the vet.

8. Expand Affordable Health Care and Long-Term Care, and Protect Social Security and Medicare

When Tom arrived to Washington in 2017, Republicans were engaged in a cruel attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which would have ripped health coverage away from millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions. Though he was brand new to Congress, Tom stepped right into the fight, rallying with his fellow Democrats to highlight the disastrous consequences of Republicans’ efforts. He also joined with the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus to propose a better way forward: a plan to make health care more affordable while ensuring the tens of millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions continue to receive the care they need.

After efforts to kill the ACA were successfully thwarted, Tom got to work on improving our nation’s health care system. He was one of the key negotiators on the 2020 legislation that outlawed “surprise medical billing,” protecting Americans from crippling bills for care by out-of-network providers. He also helped pass the landmark 2022 legislation that lowered prescription drug prices and extended the premium tax credits that make health coverage more affordable. Despite all the progress we’ve made, Tom knows that our health system is still far from perfect. That is why we need a Member of Congress who will build on the important achievements of recent years, not someone who threatens to repeal them.

Tom also knows that we have a storm coming in our country, with the number of disabled elders set to dramatically increase in the coming years. Many retirees have no way to pay for the care they might need during disability in old age, and without action, millions of disabled elders will need to be placed in Medicaid nursing homes, creating both a quality-of-life crisis for them and a budget crisis for federal and state governments. That is why Tom introduced the Well-Being Insurance for Seniors to be at Home (WISH) Act, first-of-its-kind legislation that would create a public-private partnership to finance long-term care insurance so disabled elders can remain at home (where most prefer to be) with the assistance of home health aides.

Tom continues to advocate for the WISH Act and other legislation to ensure our seniors have peace of mind and receive the care they need. He will stand up to attempts to cut Social Security and Medicare, like the ones in budget proposals from President Trump and congressional Republicans. Tom will continue his work to strengthen these programs that are so vital for tens of millions of Americans.

9. Defend Democracy

Tom was in the chamber of the House of Representatives on January 6, 2021 when alarms went off and members were told to get the gas masks from under their seats. He and his colleagues, along with Capitol Police, made sure that the doors were locked and barricaded. He heard the police officer’s gunshot that killed a rioter as she and others tried to breach the chamber and stop the certification of the election.

Tom has experienced firsthand what can happen when public figures undermine our democracy and knows that it is his responsibility to help protect our institutions. Tom often quotes the late Congressman Tom Lantos, a Holocaust survivor, who said, “The veneer of civilization is paper thin. We are its guardians, and we cannot rest.”

Tom has always respected our democratic process and the will of the voters. The people of New York’s Third District deserve to have someone like that representing them, not someone who can’t answer basic questions about election legitimacy.

10. “No Wrong Door”: Comprehensive, Wraparound Social Services for K-12 Students

Bishop Desmond Tutu famously said, “There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.” When Tom first heard that quote, he took it to heart, and when he served as Nassau County Executive, he put it into action.

When Tom took over the Nassau County Government in 2002, social services buildings were spread out, in terrible condition, and inaccessible for people with disabilities, making it impossible for many residents to get the services they needed. Tom changed everything by implementing his revolutionary “No Wrong Door” program that created a consolidated campus with all health and human services offices, a “one-stop shop” that looked holistically at each person who went there for help.

We need to take Tom’s “No Wrong Door” approach and implement it in schools across the country. School buildings should have a multi-tiered support system that encompasses physical health, mental and emotional well-being, nutritional counseling, life and career readiness, and job skills training. By implementing Tom’s holistic approach to social services in schools across the country, we will improve the lives of millions of young people while saving the federal government money. Keeping Tom in Congress means keeping a representative who will emphasize holistic social service approaches at home and in school so all kids can reach their full potential.

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